Ohio woman charged with murder after leaving 16-month old baby home alone for 10 days

1 year ago

Is this woman crazy or just stupid?

In this clip we discuss how a woman from Ohio, Kristel Candelario, was arrested and charged with murder after her 16-month-old daughter, Jailyn, was found unresponsive at home.

According to the police, Candelario had left the baby alone and unattended for approximately 10 days while she went on vacation to Puerto Rico and Detroit.

Candelario admitted to police that she left Jailyn “at home, all alone and unattended,” the affidavit written by Detective Thelemon Powell Jr. revealed.

When Candelario got home on a week ago Friday, she found Jailyn to be “extremely dehydrated,” the affidavit revealed.

Neighbors in Cleveland said that Candelario had asked them to take care of Jailyn in the past and didn't understand why she hadn't reached out for their help again.

“Jailyn really didn’t deserve what happened to her. She was amazing and really adorable, and I miss her a lot,” a 13-year-old neighbor told reporters.

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