The Lemurian Epoch & The Shapeshifters| Gigi Young #shorts

1 year ago

The Malleability of Lemurian and the Development of the 'I AM' Force.

Perhaps the most fascinating aspect of the Lemurian Epoch was the earth and humanity's malleability. During this period both the human being and the planet were significantly less dense than today.

As malleability defined the era, their form would also shift according to the spiritual impulses they received and even their environment. Thus, the Lemurian human being was a shapeshifter. Receiving and mirroring the impulses from both the spiritual and physical realm.

Lemurian Humanity could also use their will to mold the mineral kingdom, or earthly matter. Later on they also learned how to directly work with the plant and animal kingdoms.

The earth does not harden fully and lose this malleability until around half way through the Atlantean Epoch. At that point certain laws and forms become set and the past level of Lemurian flexibility is lost.

The event that marks this hardening of the earth and humanity is the development of the mind, or the 'I AM' within the human being. Moving forward in our development the inner world, and the I AM presence within us, becomes the transformational power. With this inner power we are no longer pulled and shaped by outer influences. Instead we evolve via our own volition, our own free will.

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