COVID 19 connections to 1972

1 year ago

It is important to note. I never have or never will give medical advice. I'm not for or against what you or any other human puts into your body. Weather its given to you from a doctor or you brought it off the street. Your body is not my concern that is your concern.

Please watch the video instead of just listing in the background as there will be imagines of evidence in this case of COVID 19-72

This video is an older one from my library. I don't know the follow up to this woman's story however I remember when this was a big deal back in 2021. Someone I meet a few weeks ago told me a horrible story about their child who got the vac. Her child had a very bad reaction to the vac and now in 2023 this is no longer a taboo its common knowledge. After hearing her story I shared my finding on 1972 with her and it remembered me of this video and figured I should share it with you on this platform.

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I'm not asking you to believe I'm asking you to review the evidence. The conclusion in your mind is yours to sort out for yourself.

Shocking evidence of a time hack book

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