Copa Updates & Selling Sand

1 year ago

What's up guys!! We're back! Just wanna take a second to say shoutout to @tomasgesu for knocking some sense into me to get the camera back in my hand. I was so hung up on if I wasn't able to post 3x a week I didn't want to post at all.

Life had been insane lately, feeling blessed. Something I've done recently is I have turned the Altima into a mobile classroom of sorts. Instead of listening to music while I spend 7hrs a day in the car I have been listening to audiobooks. LIFE CHANGER!

Listened to Darren Hardy's "The Compound Effect" and that added to me thinkin that posting a video once a week is better than nothing. At the end of the day, I am not a "youtuber". I'm just a guy that wants to document my journey so God willing generations of my family can watch in the future.

Thanks for reading this,

Also... Comment below any good book recommendations I should listen too!

Love -

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