Movie : Occult Forces [Must-See]

1 year ago

An enlightenment into the secrets of Freemasonry. This movie was produced by Jean Mamy in 1943 at the height of World War II. Mamy was an ex-mason who defected from masonry to become a proponent in exposing it.

When his revelations on this film were becoming popular and gaining traction, he was arrested, exiled and eventually executed by the nazis for propaganda through this film. This film is relevant today as it was back then, because we see the same playbook on the war on free speech.

And the same organizations that were running fascism in World War II are still here today wagging war on our liberties. It would be wise to know how these occult organizations work from their own people. This film was well done and well written. The acting is good. It will suprise you. This film deserves a remake.

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