LITHIUM Production by Country and World 1995-2022, Reserves, Resources

1 year ago

This bar chart race shows the annually lithium production by country and world from 1995 to 2022, and worlds reserves and resources, measured in tonnes.

PRODUCTION refers to the process of extracting lithium from reserves or resources and converting it into a usable form for various applications. It involves the physical extraction of lithium-bearing minerals or brines from the Earth's crust, followed by processing and refining to obtain lithium compounds or metals that can be used in batteries, ceramics, glass, lubricants, and other industrial applications.
The production of lithium typically involves several stages, which may vary depending on the specific type of lithium deposit and extraction method. These stages can include exploration, mining, crushing, beneficiation (concentration of lithium-bearing minerals), chemical or physical processing, and purification. The final product obtained from the production process is usually lithium carbonate or lithium hydroxide, which are the primary forms used in lithium-ion batteries.
Production levels are influenced by factors such as demand, market prices, technological advancements, mining operations, and environmental considerations.

RESERVES represent the known deposits of lithium that can be economically and technically extracted with current technologies and under present market conditions. These reserves have undergone detailed exploration and evaluation, including feasibility studies, and are considered economically recoverable.

RESOURCES encompass all known deposits of lithium, regardless of their economic viability. Resources include both identified and undiscovered deposits that have potential for future extraction.

Data sources:
USGS, BP/EI Statistical Review of World Energy
White Bat Audio - Athena
Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio
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