#2: Fountain of Prayers, Revisiting Somebody, The Patience Prison, Lion Man & Song of the Sun

1 year ago

A Note in a Nutshell: The goal of this video #2 is to share wisdom and healing to raise the vibration of the world!

A Goofy Note: In video #2, I talk about some interesting experiences I had quite soon after making video #1. Before I tell you more on what that is, something funny happened today. I re-listened to this video, and you'll get what I mean when you watch it. The first 5 minutes, I go on and on about doing #1 and doing #2, and my mind couldn't get out of the gutter of potty humor and I thought .. Oh boy, maybe I need to rethink my video titles! Anyway, another nutty thing happened not long afterward, I was mentioning it to Joe in the car, the #1's and #2's and the jokes, and then he pointed to the car screen which told us it was 22 degrees Celsius at 2:11 pm! I thought, WOW, maybe this isn't potty humor but crazy numerology just oozing through the seams of a brilliant message I had no idea I was making!!

More Notes: Anyway, enough of that goofiness, in this #2 video, I had a blast talking about A LOT of recent events, going into further detail on, "The Man with the Golden Stone," from video #1. You'll see from the title of this video, you're about to dive into a lot of colorful content and I'm going to give you a little insider into some of these stories in my... Notes Below:

The Fountain of Prayers: This is all about Mother Earth energy, love and family, prayers, solutions, and healing. Don't be shy to visualize a beautiful fountain, see the golden coins of many prayers. These are not just your prayers for support in your own life, but prayers that other souls have had for you, praying that the support you pray for will be provided. That's a lot of prayers and the energy is beautiful! Fill your heart with these golden coins of prayer, welcome solutions of love and support to reach you on your path.

Revisiting Somebody: 'Somebody,' is the name of an energy being that has visited me across years of my life. This being has always helped me find a way to feel better, particularly when waking in the middle of the night to a sudden overwhelm of sorrow. In these moments, Somebody, would come and help me. I also have an energy being called, 'Nobody.' Nobody is both sadness and friendship and I feel the presence of Nobody when I am in a space of deep loneliness. Nobody is there so that I am not alone, it is Me and Nobody who share the space, so remember that Nobody is with you when you are alone, and therefore, you're never alone. It was always Nobody that was there, not Somebody. This is what it means to be alive. I didn't talk about Nobody in this video, but I did talk about Somebody. Somebody reminds me of, "The Man with the Golden Stone."

The Patience Prison, Lion Man & Song of the Sun: First I meet the Lion Man, then I experience the Song of the Sun. A doorway takes me to The Patience Prison. The shackles are broken and it is time for the butterfly-bat to be released. It seems obvious, it's time to fly, but there is the unexpected attachment to the pain that taught this one how to Master Patience in a world of unfathomable suffering. The reality that one can leave this prison is encouraged through the hug of the Lion Man and a return to the Song of the Sun. Welcome their support when you are ready to let go of your attachment to the pain and suffering that has taught you how to Master Patience. Now, do not loath your learning, rejoice in your learning and be free to experience a world of bright and beautiful new discoveries!

Final Note: This is my #2 video in a nutshell. I wish you all well, I hope you will enjoy this video as much as I did in making it. I look forward to sharing the next experience with all of you. I know video #3 will be born into this world before we know it!

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🌞 Joseph Bradley, Spiritual Healer & Teacher:
Joseph is an amazing spiritual healer and teacher, and I absolutely love working with him. He has helped me so much in my life and I am delighted to encourage you to see what he is sharing each week!

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