Episode 125 - Are We Losing Today's Youth?

1 year ago

In a recent study drawing on survey data from more than 2,200 Gen Z Americans, they found that 45 percent of Gen Z Americans rarely or never attend church while just 1 in 4 reported attending weekly or more. African American Gen Zer’s report having the highest rates of weekly church attendance. Roughly 1 in 10 among this generation say they are atheists.

Other findings in a study of nearly 100 Gen Z youth (ages 15–17) and more than 3,300 Gen Z adults (ages 18–24) found that only 9% of the younger group could be designated as “Scripture Engaged” – centered on reading the Bible – compared to 14% of Gen Z adults and 23% of Millennials.

56% of Christian teens in the U.S. believe that it is ok to have sex before marriage compared to 76% of their unbelieving peers, yet Christian teens are more sexually active than unbelievers.

70% of youth pastors have had teens come to them for help in dealing with porn within the past few years. The average age of first exposure to porn is 11 years old. 94% of kids will have viewed porn by age 14.

We are living in a time of a huge epidemic. Are we losing our youth to society and things that are immoral? If there is an issue, how can we fix it? Or is it even fixable?

This week we welcome an ordained minister and former youth pastor, Luke Taylor, to the show. Together we talk about this epidemic we seem to be having at this time with the youth of today.

You can visit my website at www.connectingthegap.net for all the platforms we are on. You can also contact us at daniel@connectingthegap.net. We would love to hear from you or please take some time to leave comments or questions where you love to listen the most! Please subscribe and share our ministry and together we can keep the Christian community informed and win souls for Christ! Have a blessed week!

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