Eat These Foods Daily To Reboot Your Liver

1 year ago

In today's video, we're going to share with you the 7 best foods to cleanse your liver and improve your overall health!

Our liver acts like a filter in our body, helping to eliminate fats and toxins that can cause inflammation and diseases.

Some signs that might be related to liver health are right abdominal pain, swollen belly, frequent nausea and dizziness, daily headaches, unexplained fatigue, bruises from minor bumps, yellowish color in the eyes or skin, dark urine with a stronger odor, loss of appetite, and itching all over the body.

Do you experience any of these signs? Did you know that your diet can play a big role in improving your liver health?

That's why it's important to choose your foods carefully, so you can support your liver and reduce the burden it faces from consuming fatty foods, alcoholic beverages, and toxic foods.

With that in mind, let's introduce you to the 7 best foods to help you eliminate fat from the liver: oranges, broccoli, salmon, extra virgin olive oil, pink lentils, natural yogurt, and the powerful artichoke.

One great way to consume artichoke is in the form of tea. Simply boil 1 liter of water, turn off the heat, and add 1 teaspoon (5-6g) of dried artichoke leaves. Let it steep for 5 to 10 minutes, strain, and drink up to 3 cups a day.

In addition to including this beverage in your daily routine to detoxify your body and cleanse your liver, there are a few other things you can do: avoid smoking and excessive alcohol consumption, stay away from drugs, exercise regularly, and limit your sugar and fructose intake.

Also, getting enough sleep is crucial! Aim to go to bed before 11 p.m. Want to know why? Check out the suggested video at the end!

So, if you're dealing with liver issues, give this recipe a try and follow these steps to regenerate your liver and improve your quality of life. Take the test and share your opinion with us. We hope you feel better!


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