BNN (Brandenburg News Network) 6/28/2023 - Part 2 Imprecatory Psalms - Dr. Tim Parker

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Imprecatory Psalms, Part 2 - Dr. Tim Parker
The first of God’s Ten Commandments requires us to love God completely and sincerely in
heart, mind, soul and strength. He primarily tells us we do this by not allowing any other god to take an
ultimate position in our lives. Equally, we’re commanded to hate the things God hates! Without the
Grace of Christ, it’s impossible to do either! In this elliptical command, we struggle to appreciate or
empathize with God’s Justice. The Imprecatory Psalms help us with all three bolded doctrines!
Remember imprecate means: to pray for or invoke evil, curse, etc. upon a foe. Imprecation
means: the act of imprecating evil, etc. on someone. Our upbringing might cause us to repel thoughts,
words or prayers at these levels yet the Psalms give voice to this sentiment. With all the evil we hear
about today, it’s easier to think in this vein, even as we squirm with notions of how God will do Justice
in the world before His Ultimate Judgment begins.

Redeeming Grace Church online church with Dr. Tim Parker
Tim was in Church from the cradle, over 69 years ago. Two Christian parents left a strong Faith-legacy in his life. Church attendance does not ensure new birth but Christ’s Faith and Grace lives boldly in his soul. Saints love God differently; he primarily loves God with his mind as he provokes disciples to love and good works per Hebrews 10:24-25. He loves to evangelize and teach God’s Word – especially biblical Grace. After a 37-year career with Chrysler as a die maker, he pastored Smith Creek Bible Church for 4-1/2 years and now holds a doctorate in philosophical theology. He authored three books during his doctorate program. As an active part of St. Clair County We-The-County, he worked to abolish the Covid mandates, especially in the schools. He was an active part of the SCC Republican Party but divorced himself from their charade. His new desire is to provoke a renewed understanding of our founding documents so a truly Christian/patriotic church can free itself from unConstitutional government-infringement and be free to establish Christian roots everywhere in our Constitutional Republic. We discover true Freedom In Christ’s Gospel to live in liberty, above tyrannical control.

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Donna Brandenburg, Dr. Tim Parker

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