BCP: A draft of the pastoral letter for bishops of five continents

1 year ago

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Dear bishops, successors of the apostles,
we are sending you a draft of a pastoral letter. You know yourselves how deep a crisis the Catholic Church is going through. It does not have a rightful Pope. The current Pope has repeatedly excluded himself from the Mystical Body of Christ as well as from the visible Church. The Church is in a state of Sede Vacante. This is the reality. You have so far not been able to clearly express it or make it public. However, the current relentless promotion of the synodal LGBTQ journey now forces you to do so.
Spiritual awakening is impossible without God’s intervention. But God expects human cooperation. Christ’s apostles, martyrs and defenders of the faith are an example of cooperation with God’s grace. You are their successors. You are a great hope for the bleeding Church. You are faced with a grave responsibility. May God grant you the grace to stand boldly against the suicidal synodal LGBTQ journey! Do not reject the grace that is offered.
Dear successors of the apostles, may there be at least a few generous souls, heroic atoning sacrifices, in your dioceses! May your dioceses start prayer watches, where they will cry out to God day and night on your behalf and on behalf of the Church’s revival! May they obtain for you through prayer the grace to take a resolute step in this critical situation to stop the suicidal synodal process within the Church!

June 24, 2023

We attach the draft:
Pastoral letter of orthodox bishops of five continents

Dear priests, religious and believers,
we, Catholic bishops accountable for an orthodox teaching and untouchable laws of God, are reaching out to you by way of this letter. In context of the largest NATO military exercises, some political scientists caution against the danger of the outbreak of World War 3, which would affect especially Europe and America.
Albeit there will be peace in the upcoming days, immoral and suicidal ideology continues to induce God to punish! It calls for the fire from heaven in the same way as Sodom and Gomorrah did a long time ago. The fire from heaven was a punishment not only for the perverse people of that time, but it remains to be a threat for all generations. Sodomy became a cause of a major disaster.
Gender ideology forces unnatural sodomy and similar moral perversions called LGBTQ on mankind today. The goal of promoting LGBTQ is self-genocide – temporary as well as eternal. It is a public rebellion against God. God’s and natural laws, which protect individuals and nations, were discarded. The tragedy is that this rebellion against God is pushed forward by the highest papal authority under the guise of a synodal way. Unrepentant sodomites used their lobby and usurped the highest ecclesiastical offices. Using God’s authority, they act against God.
The Scripture warns against the sin of sodomy in many places. Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel and other prophets point to Sodom as to a cautionary example of the punishment. Through Apostle Peter, God says to present-day ecclesiastical ungodly people: “God condemned the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah to destruction, reducing them to ashes as an example of what is coming on the ungodly.” (2Pe 2:6) Through Apostle Jude, God threatens sending down an eternal fire: “Sodom and Gomorrah and the surrounding towns gave themselves up to sexual immorality and perversion. They serve as an example of those who suffer the punishment of eternal fire.”(Jud 7)
In several places, Apostle Paul draws attention to the punishment of an eternal condemnation, if sodomites do not repent. In his Letter to Romans, he lists two causes of sodomy: 1) replacing truth with lies and 2) idolatry. “Therefore God gave them over to shameful lusts… Men committed shameful acts with other men” (atimia).
However, Jesus says that the punishment of the present-day pseudo-apostles of the sodomist anti-gospel will be more severe than the grave punishment that was sent on sodomites: “Truly I tell you, it will be more bearable for Sodom and Gomorrah on the day of judgment than for that town.” (Mt 10:15)
In the entire history of the Church, no one ever doubted that the sodomy is a blatant sin. People with this tendency always knew clearly that they have to repent, otherwise they will not be saved. The gravest crime of the misuse of the ecclesiastical authority is lying to sinners, who are denied repentance by the respective prelates and thus dragged by them to hell. By blessing the sin, they introduce some kind of anti-sacrament. The following words are applied to these false apostles: “For such people are false apostles, deceitful workers, masquerading as apostles of Christ. And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light.” (2Cor 11:13f) Those bishops who, after the example of Belgian and German ones, despise God’s commandments set themselves as a standard which is false, and they act up against God.
The Belgian bishops, as stated by the bishop Bonny, received an approval of a false Pope to perform the marriage ceremonies of not only sodomites, but also of so called queer couples. What is it? It is a marriage of a person of Q orientation with a goat, swine or a donkey, for example. This is however a total loss of mind and an ecclesiastical madness. Francis Bergoglio and his followers in Belgium and Germany abuse papal and episcopal authority to promote gender ideology in an uncompromising manner. They use a so-called synodal way to masquerade it. The invalid Pope privileges sodomites and places them in key positions in the Church. According to God’s laws, he has thereby brought upon himself the multiple anathema of God for the sodomitic and neo-pagan anti-gospel. He has also excluded himself from the visible Church by latae sententiae excommunication. The fact that he boycotts this reality and continues to occupy the papal office does not change anything about it. He thus not only degrades the papacy, but literally destroys it.
What to do to save the papacy? There was a period of about 70 years in the history of the Church when there were two Popes. The difference was that none of them were heretics like Bergoglio. The teaching of the Church is that the Pope together with the college of bishops bear responsibility for orthodox doctrine and morals. Francis Bergoglio, however, defends heresies and destroys natural and divine laws. Therefore, the responsibility for the Church at this time is fully transferred to the orthodox college of bishops, even if they are in the minority! The episcopate is being divided. In Germany, on one side there are orthodox-minded bishops represented by Card. Müller, former Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, and a handful of faithful bishops around him. On the other side are the majority of German bishops promoting sodomy and heresies. Similarly, Carlo Maria Viganò, former US Nuncio, has the support of orthodox-minded bishops not only from the USA, but from all over the world. On the other side, there is a relatively large number of sodomy- and LGBTQ-friendly bishops. When Jesus speaks about the end of the world and God’s judgment in chapters 24 and 25 of Matthew’s Gospel, He warns: “Many false prophets will rise up and deceive many. And therefore lawlessness will abound.” Among the false prophets are especially the German bishops. Card. Müller condemned the German path, saying: “The German Synodal sect is diametrically opposed to Catholic faith… it will cause Christianity in Germany to evaporate. The whole establishment of German-Catholic ecclesiology is false and suicidal.”
The former US Nuncio, Carlo Maria Viganò, called on the invalid Pope to resign as early as 2018. His prophetic words point to the tragic situation not only in the world, but also in the Church.
Dear priests and believers, we, the bishops representing the Apostolic College, bear responsibility for the Church throughout the world. We hereby call on you, dear believers, to join the priests and religious faithful to Christ in rejecting the path of rebellion against God. This path is promoted by the so-called synodal journey according to the German model. It leads souls to both temporal end eternal suicide.
There is hope for the Catholic Church to be saved in the territories where the bishops will reject the LGBTQ synodal path. The diocese where the bishop together with faithful priests will stand up for Christ and His teaching of salvation will be saved.
The suicidal synodal journey of Francis Bergoglio now inevitably leads to the division of the episcopate. It is time to call sin sin, heresy heresy, and sodomy and LGBTQ rebellion against God. In this pastoral letter, we bishops unequivocally reject the synodal agenda of legalizing sin, and we separate ourselves from the German, Belgian and other bishops who promote this rebellion against God. Now even you, dear faithful, every Catholic, whether lay, clerical or religious, are faced with a serious choice: you will either stand in defense of the Church represented by us, or remain dominated by the synodal machinery ending in destruction.
We, the orthodox College of Bishops, bless you that you may keep faithful to Jesus Christ

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