Satanic LGBTQIA+ Pedophile Faggot Pride Month Extended to Entire Summer! [27.06.2023]

1 year ago

Clip 1.
– Resist and You will Lose your Job!
Transgender 'Admiral Rachel Levine' announced that gay pride month is to be extended beyond June to last the entire summer.

Don't Tread On Me
3855 subscribers
Clip 2:
We are in some dark, evil days.
Take care of and protect your kids like never before because these perverts are after this generation.
Clip 3:
The pedophiles are coming closer and closer to the kids..

It’s getting more and more normal to have young people involved in their sexual conducts..

As they step it up we need to step it up…

Protect the children at all costs..
Clip 4:
Parents Outside Trudeau’s Office Chanting “Leave Our Kids Alone”

A group of Muslims are protesting LGBTQ indoctrination outside of Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s office. They want pride flag removed. Parents are rising up.
Clip 5:
Take your Kids out of School and hometeach them!
The party of love, tolerance, and acceptance is encouraging kids to be violent towards people with opposing views

@ TPostMillennial: PRIDE SEATTLE: Adults encourage children to throw “bricks” at pictures of Republicans

Pictures feature Trump, Gov. Ron DeSantis, Sen. Ted Cruz, and others.
Video by: @ KatieDaviscourt
Clip 6:
NWO Hell - Students Watching Skull & Bones Sex

Don't Tread On Me
3857 subscribers

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