1 year ago

Rescued Children Describe Sickening Satanic Cult Abuse

This case is the result of an 8-year old boy and his 9-year old sister confessing at long last the abuse they suffered by their British father who is the leader of a Sexual Ritual Abuse cult in North London. The Russian mother had a history of domestic violence with him that included 5 Police call-outs and 3 reports. She had long noticed signs of unhappiness, sickness and stress in her children, but only when on holiday in August with them, she learned about most harrowing details as the reason. However, six days after reporting the crimes to Barnet Police on 05 September 2014, the children were taken into ‘protective custody’ and subsequently to two different foster carers. Medical examinations initiated by the Police confirmed scarring in the rectum area of both children. The hearing of the boy is impaired due to the father’s hitting and excessive shouting. Two weeks later, the Police told her that the children retracted the allegations, and that the investigation was closed. The explanation was that the children made their story up from the film “The Mask of Zorro.” Strangely, this film has been used in another case as an excuse, I am told.

In the best interests of the children? The mother is now in family court proceedings, being accused of not being able to protect her children. The confessions were triggered by her then partner noticing that the children were touching each other sexually as well as a dog. Their reports were recorded on video and conducted by the mother and her partner in separate conversations with the boy and the girl. Their remarkable details confirmed their respective allegations and experiences and were accompanied by diary pages and drawings that include the private parts of teachers.

Since 11 September, the father has more contact with the children than the mother or the Russian grandparents who have observed the effects of coaching and brainwashing, already apparent in the Police videos produced on 17 September, six days after the snatch. In contact sessions they are not allowed to speak their native language and the boy has admitted that he is forgetting his Russian already. It is also alarming that they had not been sent to any school for 3 months but were only exposed to TV and computer games, when before they had private education in violin lessons, tennis and swimming.

- Two young children in Hampstead in London have reported Satanic child abuse by large group of people, which included their father.
- The children’s medical reports state that the police had been called out on several occasions because Ricky Dearman, the father, was committing ‘domestic violence.
- The medical reports make horrific reading as the children are examined for anal abuse (it is confirmed – with scarring).”I hear that the police also took the children to have hair follicle tests to ascertain whether drugging had taken place.
- The mother has not been allowed to see the results.
- The mother is not being allowed to see the children and the father has regular access while they are in ‘Care.
- Reportedly, police officers and politicians are often involved in child sexual abuse rings.
- Councillors and police officer accused of having sex with children.

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