Warren Zevon discography ranked

1 year ago

I will explore all 12 of Warren Zevon's studio albums.
For reference, here are the dates and rankings as seen by allmusic (dot com).
My own rankings will differ significantly.
1970 - Wanted Dead or Alive (3/5 stars)
1976 - Warren Zevon (4.5/5)
1978 - Excitable Boy (4/5)
1980 - Bad Luck Streak in Dancing School (4.5/5)
1982 - The Envoy (3/5)
1987 - Sentimental Hygiene (4.5/5)
1989 - Transverse City (4/5)
1991 - Mr. Bad Example (3/5)
1995 - Mutineer (2.5/5)
2000 - Life'll Kill Ya (3.5/5)
2002 - My Ride's Here (2/5)
2003 - The Wind (4/5)
note: I did not rank Zevon's live albums (Stand in the Fire; Learning to Flinch)

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