Dance performed by Helen Jenkinson and Damian Ward - moving version of 'Music of the Night' 1987

1 year ago

Dance performed by Helen Jenkinson and Damian Ward - moving version of 'Music of the Night' 1987
They were joined by Michael Crawford, who watched them live - here is some footage of Michael recalling the event, Damian and his mum, (my great Auntie Janet (who was married to my gran's brother) my great Uncle Bill!)
I was 8 when it was first broadcast.
I cried then and I still do. The dance is beautiful!

St Helens International Special Needs Dance Company, whose members all had Down's syndrome, was first formed in 1987.

Made up of 12 talented individuals under the direction of choreographer Ron Heavey MBE, former headteacher at Mill House Special School , they thrilled crowds from Austria to America.
The group disbanded 10 years later when Sixty-four-year-old Ron said:
"When we started, most of the troupe were youngsters. But 10 years have gone by and we are all getting a bit long in the tooth for the strenuous dance routines now, my oldest dancer is 35."
Inspirational teacher Ron was no stranger to awards himself. In 1992 he received a Lifetime Achievement Award for his work with the Special Olympics, and also has the Humanitarian Award of Excellence from the Joseph P Kennedy Foundation for Special Arts.

He said: "In the past, troupe members have danced at the Hollywood premiere of 'Twins' starring Arnold Schwarzenegger, which they performed in front of the then US president, George Bush. They have also met and worked alongside many other big stars including Whitney Houston, Sir Cliff Richard, Donald Sutherland, and Dame Vera Lynn to name but a few.

The company first came to national prominence in 1987 when two of its former dancers, Helen Jenkinson and Damian Ward, performed a moving version of 'Music of the Night' from 'Phantom of the Opera' on the BBC TV programme 'Going Live.'

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