How to play Monopoly Electronic Banking (2009)

1 year ago

Learn the rules to the 2009 board game Monopoly Electronic Banking quickly and concisely - This video has no distractions, just the rules. For a refresher of the original rules of Monopoly, check out this video:

Don't own the game? Buy it here:

The rules are the same as regular monopoly except for these changes. All money is digital and each player takes a bank card. Press any button on the game unit to turn it on. Hold the “c” button to clear the balances from the previous game. Whenever you need to add money to your account, put your card in the green side. Whenever you need to spend money, put your card in the red side. If you need to pay another player, then they put their card in the green side while yours is in the red. Always wait until the new balance shows on all cards before removing any card from the game unit. To view your balance, insert your card into either side then remove it without pressing any buttons.

When you land on go, insert your card and press the go arrow. Money increments in thousands and millions, indicated by the K or M respectively. When typing in money, you must include the proper increment after the numbers to enter it. Press the c to delete a mistake and reenter it.

The price to get out of jail is 500 thousand.

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