'Anything to Say' and the rally for Julian Assange - Parliament Square, London

1 year ago

June 24 2023, the sculpture 'Anything to Say' by Italian artist Davide Dormino that shows Edward Snowden, Chelsea Manning and Julian Assange standing on chairs inviting you to speak out, is at Parliament Square in London. Today is the rally for the release of publicist and journalist Julian Assange.

In this report Djamila and Rico first visit the prison Belmarsh where they meet Sean, who's talks about the legal system in England, and what goes on in institutions like these, where he's spent most of his life.

Then at the demonstration many speakers standing on the empty chair next to the whistleblowers, explain what is at stake and where the defence for Julian stands. Interviews with Davide Dormino and Stella Assange, music by David Rovics who sings 'Behind These Prison Walls'.

0:02:14 introduction (use the subtitles feature)
0:06:44 Sean, interview outside Belmarsh
0:11:39 John Reese, DEA Campaign
0:13:40 John McDonnell, Labour MP
0:15:20 Davide Dormino, Anything to Say artist
0:19:59 Stella Assange
0:24:55 Shabbir Lakha, Stop the War coalition
0:28:14 Kristinn Hrafnsson, Wikileaks
0:38:39 David Rovics, Behind These Prison Walls

On Potkaars: https://potkaars.nl/assange
Don't Extradite Assange Campaign: https://dontextraditeassange.com/
Anything to Say: http://www.anythingtosay.com/content/
Behind These Prison Walls: https://www.davidrovics.com/songbook/behind-these-prison-walls/
Stop the War coalition: https://www.stopwar.org.uk/

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