Schaftlein Report | Russia Fiasco, Mixed Polls and Hunter/Burisma

1 year ago

Guest Tom Amenta

1) Prigozhin, Putin, Lukashenko and what really happened.

1A) All charges dropped. How did 15K-25K troops capture a strategic city unopposed. Was it staged?

1B) Prigozhin in Belarus. For how long?

2) Trump leading Biden 44-41 in Morning Consult Poll. Harris poll he is up by 6. +38 in Republican Primary,

Half of Republican primary voters want Trump and half want an alternative

2A) 64% believe Trump charges are politically motivated. 77% of Republicans do not care about the charges

2B) Main stream media begins to look for alternatives to Biden - Al Hunt names Whitmer, Newsom and NC Gov. Cooper.
The MSM is finally asking the White House Press Secretary tough questions about Hunter.

3) NBC Poll shows Right track is at 20% and Wrong track at 74%

3A) Biden approval rating holds steady at 43% in NBC poll despite 68% saying he is not mentally healthy

3B Biden leads Trump by 4 and is even with DeSantis in the same NBC poll

3C) The problem for Trump he is underwater by 22 % on his favorability numbers among all voters. But so is Biden.
Americans do NOT want a rematch

4) The government and media cover up of the Burisma bribery claims could have contributed to the 2020 election results.
Will it be different this time as allegations swirl and Garland faces possible Impeachment

4A) Biden denies lying about his discussions with Hunter

5) Trump Document Tapes leaked to CNN

6) DeSantis endorsed by Florida Police Union as he promises to fix the border problem

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