Daily Energy Standup Episode #126 – Shifting Tides: Financial Boycott, California’s Grid Cost...

1 year ago

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Episode #126 – Shifting Tides: Financial Boycott, California’s Grid Cost, Energy Sovereignty, Natural Gas Plant Closures, and Japan’s Gas Challenges

Highlights of the Podcast

00:00 – Intro
03:25 – Oklahoma says 13 major financial institutions are boycotting the oil and gas industry
05:38 – California could face $50B price tag by 2035 to prepare grid for DERs, study finds
08:03 – French energy report seeks return of “energy sovereignty”
11:30 – New York gets tough with owners of natural gas plants, forcing some out of business – Consumers will pay through the Wazzoo
14:28 – Market Updates
14:48 – Talks about Agreement on the debt ceiling
18:01 – Outro

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