#10 Rocky Jones, Space Ranger - Rocky's Odyssey: Chapter III

1 year ago

The Orbit Jet takes Torvac from Negato to meet with Bavaro on Posita. The two leaders are ready to make peace with each other. As Rocky and crew head back toward Earth, they hear Cleolanta launch her scheme using prerecorded transmissions of his voice. She makes it appears that Rocky has requested Secretary Drake to head to Ankapor for a meeting of various leaders. Cleolanta is masquerading as Vena Ray while Atlasande is impersonating Rocky. Secretary Drake arrives as expected. Rocky and crew quickly decide that they will need to wear disguises, too, so that they won't be suspected as impersonators themselves. This parallels Ulysses needing to do the same thing when returning home after rumors of his death. Rocky manages to break into the conference location and disable Atlasande. When Cleolanta calls on Atlasande to make it seem that Rocky is endorsing a plan to realign some United World planets under the rule of Ophecius, Rocky himself broadcasts the message that such is not the case. Cleolanta rushes into the room where Atlasande was hiding from Secretary Drake, and is immediately overpowered. With the political situation now restored to rights, Rocky and Crew can happily head toward R&R on Earth.

Richard Crane - Rocky Jones,
Scotty Beckett – Winky,
Sally Mansfield - Vena Ray,
Robert Lyden – Bobby,
Maurice Cass - Professor Newton,
Charles Meredith - Secretary of Space Drake,
Henry Brandon – Rinkman,
Ray Montgomery – Reggie,
Gabriel Curtiz - Dr. Vanko,
James Griffith – Ken,
Ted Hecht - Haggar Nu,
Judd Holdren – Higgins,
Harry Lauter – Atlasande,
Patsy Parsons - Queen Cleolanta,
Tom Brown - Paul Ray,
Mickey Simpson – Markoff,
Dale Van Sickel - Link,
Renate Hoy - Cotanda,
John Banner – Bovaro,
David Bond – Torvak,
Sol Gorss - Posito Soldier,
Stubby Kruger - Posito Soldier,

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