The Bitches That Left Me Behind!

1 year ago

[Whimsical Poem Collection] -
The title of this poem arose in ‘fun speculation’ during a conversation among some friends and it was suggested back to me, that the phrase be used as the title in a poem ….. Anyway, the poem emerged about a month later.

It is an fun and interesting piece as it reflects how our ‘thought processes’ can grip on to an idea, lace it with emotion and get into a right whirl as we try and process our feelings … along with a glance at the benefit of looking at things with less emotional intensity, being willing to shift the paradigm and an openness to express our vulnerabilities. Oh, jeez … who’d want to do that??!!

I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed putting it together.

It was written 5th March 2023 and is part of a collection that I refer to as Whimsical – A blend of Frippery, with Clever and Inane creations!

Poem wording -

The Bitches that Left me Behind!

The bitches that left me behind.
Well, what was the reason?
Are they - just blind?
Don’t they see, I’m good, is me?!

Why the exclusion?
What could it be?

Don’t I, think and feel … like them?
Don’t I laugh, and play as well?
What could be the reason?
I’d like to understand …
Why those bitches went off and left me behind

It’s giving me, a troubled mind.
I seek, as I want an answer to find!
Twirling it around and around,
Mind in a whirlwind, becoming bound!!
And as yet, there is nothing to be found.

No reason to exclude.
No reason to preclude.
I don’t stink.
No odour do I exude …
So. Why did those bitches leave me behind?

Perhaps they were just thoughtless, being
In each other’s conversation, entwined.
No thought of anything else,
Or no one, not even a place or a time.
They are ‘last minute Annies’,
I just wasn’t on their minds.

Hmm. Maybe so.

Then the thought hits!!
Maybe, they didn’t ‘consciously exclude’?
… or ‘leave me behind’!!!
Perhaps they are not the … bitches I thought!!
They weren’t intentionally being rude.
It was just the way the day went!

It’s probably best that I just conclude.

Oops, I may have jumped earlier
to the wrong conclusion.
Sorry too for the name calling curses
… I just felt angry and vulnerable,
at the idea of being excluded.

5th March 2023

For more from my ‘Transitional Times’ Poem Collection see YouTube “Poetry from Me @ Louiseiology”

For creations from all Poem Collections, see Rumble “Louiseiology & Poetry”

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