Historic Interview: Jordan Peterson Interviews Canadian Freedom Convoy Leader Tamara Lich

1 year ago

Dr. Jordan B. Peterson, Tammy Peterson, and Tamara Lich break down the events leading up to, during, and after the internationally recognized Canadian Freedom Convoy, which sought to publicize and end ridiculous COVID mandates as they heavily affected the multi-national trucking industry. Lich was a key organizer and has suffered for her role, spending a total of 48 days in jail over “mischief,” while being labeled a terrorist and being legally barred from using social media.

Tamara Lich is a Canadian activist with a background organizing the 2018-2019 Yellow Vest protests in Alberta. She was also an early founder of the secession movement in western Canada known as WEXIT. Lich also had a prior career in the logistics field regarding Canadian energy and first became vocal about the unrivaled efficiency of her country’s fossil fuel industry, despite the mainstream media claiming otherwise.

Dr. Peterson's extensive catalog is available now on DailyWire+: https://bit.ly/3KrWbS8


Freedom Convoy Leader Tamara Lich Sits Down For Historic Interview With Jordan Peterson

In the wide-ranging interview, Tamara Lich and Jordan Peterson discuss the lead-up to the Freedom Convoy, the Trudeau government's heavy-handed response, her arrest, and just how meaningful the movement was to Canadians.

June 23, 2023


Freedom Convoy leader Tamara Lich sat down for a lengthy interview with famed psychologist Jordan Peterson to break down just what went on during the massive anti-mandate trucker protest that put Canada on the world stage.

In the wide-ranging interview published Thursday titled “Truckers on the Frontlines of Freedom,” Lich joined Peterson and his wife Tammy to dissect the events “leading up to, during, and after the internationally recognized Canadian Freedom Convoy, which sought to publicize and end ridiculous COVID mandates as they heavily affected the multi-national trucking industry.”

In the interview, Lich, born in Saskatchewan but now a resident of Alberta, explained to Peterson that she was largely apolitical until the industry in which she worked -- Alberta’s oil and gas sector -- began to be throttled by so-called “climate change” policies implemented by the federal government throughout the late 2010s.

In particular, Lich outlined to Peterson that she became angered with two federal Liberal Party policies introduced in Parliament in 2017 and 2018, called Bill C-48, Oil Tanker Moratorium Act, and Bill C-69, Impact Assessment Act and Canadian Energy Regulator Act, respectively.

As a result of these policies and others, Lich, taking inspiration from the “yellow vests” protest in France in 2018, started a Canadian version of the movement, which included forming a convoy of trucks to protest in a variety of locations in the western half of the nation.

Lich also explained to Peterson that it was around this time that she became involved with “Wexit,” a play on words of the U.K.’s Brexit movement, which saw disgruntled Canadians in the natural resource heavy western provinces band together to form a political party in opposition to federal government policies.

Later in the interview, Lich broke down how after the COVID-19 so-called pandemic had begun she started to do her own research about the virus and the associated vaccines, listening to experts such as Dr. Byram Bridle, Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Robert Malone and others, and began to doubt the credibility of the government’s approach to managing the virus, which in Canada included lockdowns, mask mandates and vaccine passports among other measures.

Then, in January 2022, Lich recalls coming across Canadian truck driver Chris Barber, who was advocating on social media for a trucker-related protest after Prime Minister Justin Trudeau mandated that those driving across the U.S.-Canada border, including truckers, would have to be vaccinated against COVID or subject themselves to a 14-day quarantine every time they reentered the country.

Lich said that her and the other organizers then started a GoFundMe page and a website for the Freedom Convoy, with the intent of encouraging truckers to drive to the nation’s capital of Ottawa and park their vehicles in protest of the various COVID-era mandates.

Lich told Peterson that “miraculously” the movement took off on social media and word of mouth, and that despite the massive turnout, it only took “10 days” to organize.

For the remainder of the interview, Lich told Peterson about the immense success of the Freedom Convoy, the Trudeau government’s heavy-handed response -- which included invoking the never-before-used Emergencies Act to freeze the bank accounts of the organizers and anyone who had financially contributed to the movement, in addition to arresting Lich and the other organizers -- and her experience being in jail for over 45 days on mischief charges stemming from her role in the movement.

Despite the immense personal cost, Lich talked about the pride and joy she felt during the protest, and how her and her fellow organizer Barber, felt as though they had already “won” just based on the “beautiful show of humanity” that took place for those weeks in Ottawa.

As reported by LifeSiteNews in May, despite being considered heroes to many Canadians, Lich and Barber are still facing criminal charges for their roles in the convoy and are expected in court in September for a four-week criminal trial.


Tamara Lich coverage on this Rumble channel:

Tamara Lich's Attorney Keith Wilson Defends His Client, Comments On Corruption In Canada

Judge Sets Freedom Convoy Leader Tamara Lich Free From Jail

Justice Of The Peace Refuses To Release Tamara Lich, Supporters Gather Outside Ottawa Courthouse

Tamara Lich Arrested, Her MLA Drew Barnes Speaks Out

Tamara Lich Delivers A Speech For The Ages (2 Minutes)

Tamara Lich, One Of The Main Freedom Convoy Leaders, Is Arrested Ottawa

Tamara Lich: "Please Pray For Them And Forgive Them For They Know Not What They Do"

Tamara Lich, The 'Spark That Lit' The Convoy Protest In Ottawa, Gets Bail

Tamara Lich: You Can Now Support #FreedomConvoy2022 Using GiveSendGo!

Convoy Organizer Tamara Lich Calls On Canada To End All Covid Mandates And Restrictions

Freedom Convoy Spokespeople Respond To Trudeau Invoking The Emergencies Act


Who Is Jordan Peterson?

Jordan Peterson On Twitter:

Jordan Peterson Website:

Jordan B Peterson On YouTube:

Jordan Peterson Videos On This Rumble Channel:


Jordan Peterson Interviews Helen Joyce (The Video YouTube Banned & Peterson Republished On Twitter)

Jordan Peterson Interviews Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Climate Science: What Does it Say? - Jordan Peterson Interviews Richard Lindzen

Jordan Peterson: What Happens If A Totalitarian Social Credit System Becomes A Reality

Jordan Peterson: A Message To Twitter CEO Parag Agrawal

JP Sears Reacts To Jordan Peterson's Twitter Ban

Jordan Peterson On Being Banned From Twitter

Jordan Peterson Advised By Military Source To Withdraw His Money From Canadian Banks

Jordan Peterson & Julie Ponesse Discuss Canadian Truckers And Other Topics

Jordan Peterson: "Conservatives In Canada: This Is Your Moment. Seize The Day!"

Jordan Peterson: "Our Response Caused More Misery And Death Than The Pandemic"

MUST WATCH: Canada's Charter Of Rights And Freedoms Has Been Grievously Violated

Open The Damn Country Back Up, Before Canadians Wreck Something We Can’t Fix


See Also:

PM Trudeau And Ministers Discuss Convoy Protests And Emergencies Act – February 21, 2022

Government Authorities Will Seek To Prosecute Everyone Who Participated In Ottawa Protest

Maajid Nawaz - The Epic Battle Between Centralized And Decentralized Systems

MUST WATCH: Joe Rogan Talks With Maajid Nawaz (Episode #1780)

MUST WATCH: How Bitcoin Saved Truckers From Trudeau's Tyranny

Bank Accounts Are Being Frozen Under Justin Trudeau's Emergency Act

Ottawa Cafe Owner Describes Harassment She Faced Giving Money To The Freedom Convoy

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