Hocus Pocus School How to bridge from Ethereum to Pulsechain

1 year ago

In this video, we will show you how to bridge your crypto assets to PulseChain.

What is Hocus Pocus? Hocus Pocus is a flexible staking (brewing) protocol on the PulseChain network. The tokens can be wrapped in a Cauldron NFT, making them indirectly liquid. Additionally, there is a gaming element that allows you to merge various wizards and witches NFTs, resulting in a higher spell (booster) percentage. These NFTs can be used in your Cauldron to boost the yield percentage and reduce the stake duration. Moreover, there are numerous strategies available that can give you an advantage over others through experience in our ecosystem. If you're curious about how all of this works, watch our videos on Hocus Pocus and feel free to ask your questions in the comments or on our Telegram channel.


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