Paper Mache Dog Basset Hound Part 1

5 years ago

This is Part 1 of a series for making a paper mache dog - a Basset Hound. This could be a fairly advanced project, but it will be a lot easier if we do it in fairly small, easy steps. And I hope we can all make a Basset Hound together.

Other videos in the Basset Hound series:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:
Part 5:

If you'd like to make a pattern of a different kind of dog, watch this video:

The book Drawing Animals can be found here:

For this part of the project you'll need:
A printer, full sheet labels, or copy paper and a glue stick, corrugated cardboard, scissors, aluminum foil, and a hot glue gun.

We'll be using the same methods in this project that I used in my book Make Animal Sculptures with Paper Mache Clay. The one exception is that a Basset Hound needs some wrinkles. You can find the book here:

If you want to make a much smaller dog, you can find my book Make Tiny Paper Mache Dogs here

Have fun!

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