How To Sculpt An Animal Portrait - Boer Goat, Part 1

8 years ago

Thanks for watching the video. If you have any interest in making a giraffe, I recently created a new pattern, based on the giraffe in this video. It turned out really well, and it's now one of the most popular patterns on my site. You can find it here:…rtrait-boer-goat -- My first project for the new year is an animal portrait sculpture, and the animal I chose is a Boer Goat. In this video I start out with the basic shapes. In upcoming videos, I'll begin to add the secondary shapes and finish filling out the armature with aluminum foil. The final skin will be either epoxy clay or paper mache clay - I haven't decided on that part yet.

The Winterset Ranch website has a lot of excellent photos of these beautiful animals, which really show off all the different color patterns of Boer goats. You can find the website here:

I hope to sell this sculpture when it's finished, so I do hope it turns out nice. I usually send a donation to the Heifer Foundation at the end of each year, but it didn't happen this year. I'm hoping that I can sell this sculpture and make them just a little more money than I can usually afford to send them. They give farm animals and training to families for whom just one goat or a small clutch of chickens can make all the difference between poverty and hope. Be sure to check out their website at

I intended to ask you all to go to their website and pick out your favorite animal, and I'd sculpt the critter that got the most votes. I decided against it, just because I wanted to get started right away. I have a lot of different projects planned for the next few months, and this is the one I wanted to do first.

The pattern won't be on my website, but if you'd like to see the other patterns that I do have available, you can see them at:

To understand the underlying shapes, I looked at Nubian goats, which have more clearly defined shapes on their faces, and then looked at Boer goats to find the right profile for my pattern. I also did a Google image search for goat skulls. I may need to make some slight alterations to the profile as I sculpt, because I may have made the top line of the muzzle too straight. That's an easy thing to change as I work.

The hardest part will be getting my goat sculpture to stand up. The plaster in the base of my Giraffe makes it stand politely on the shelf, but the goat's lower edge will be much narrower than the bottom of my giraffe's neck. If the plaster that I add is not enough to keep her from falling on her nose, I may need to make a stand for her. Any suggestions are more than welcome.

The post I wrote for the giraffe is here:

Stay tuned for the rest of this project. In the near future I also plan to discuss the DIY "instant paper mache" that I used to make the hippo and cougar on the wall behind me in the video, I hope to do some character sculptures with the help of my resin skull, and I think I'll add some wings to the half-finished Unicorn armature that I used in one of my last videos and turn it into Pegasus, instead. No horn - just wings. So - stay tuned for those upcoming videos, too.

My sculpting how-to books:
Make Animal Sculptures:
How to Make Masks:
Make Tiny Paper Mache Dogs:
Make Adorable Baby Animal Dolls:
Download my new FREE guide: The 5 Best Recipes for Paper Mache:

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