India Outreach Spiritual oppression Broken and People Set Free

1 year ago

This past week 062223 we went to an area controlled by RSS which are Hindu nationalists and very violent. They threatened many of the members of the community that if they went to our meting there would be trouble. Many came anyway and because of the sound system others in the area were able to hear from their homes. Two ladies that were oppressed and filled with demonic were delivered after the meeting and gave their lives to Jesus Christ. Praise the Lord!

Dear Pastor Greg Young
We thank and Praise God that yesterday it was so blessed outreach meeting where people heard your testimony and sharing of God’s Word. In this outreach 28 people accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and 18 people were healed and delivered instantly. Two sister were hearing from there homes who were told not to go in Christian Meeting but in Prayer evils spirits were demonstrated and they stated doing abnormal things, God delivered both of them. One sister she was having loose motion since three years always eating and going toilet this was the since three years, God healed instantly. One brother was healed from right whip severe pain instantly, this pain was since 4 years. While pastor Greg g you were praying almost all people were feeling heaviness but God touched them and they were delivered instantly. Thank and Praise God that outreach meeting was done right in front of Hindu’s temple and this area was of Anti Christians people. People who were stopped not to attend this meeting but yet people came in meeting and were blessed. All glory to God
After the outreach meeting we provided the meal to all people. We are so grateful for Pastor Greg Young for anointing and vision to reach the unreached people of India.
We all are praying for you,
Family, Chosen Generation Radio Ministries and all our brothers and Sisters who have been donating sacrificially for the India ministry
God bless you

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