Sculpting The Mane on the Horse Head Sculpture

3 years ago

I got a little carried away when I sculpted this wind-blown mane on my new horse pattern. It's a little wild and crazy, but I love the way it came out. This video shows how it was done, and I do suggest a few alternative methods if you'd like to do it differently. I know you'll have some great ideas, too, so please share them in the comments below.
In the next and final video I'll show you the easy way I painted him. With so many different breeds of horse, it was hard to choose just one.
You can download the pattern for a small charge at
You can see the other horse pattern videos here:
Putting the pieces together:
Adding paper mache:
Painting the horse:

You could do the mane a lot of different ways, but I stiffened some crochet thread with a mixture of one part drywall joint compound and one part Elmer's Glue All (any PVA glue would work).

Intro 0:00
Getting the crochet thread ready for the mane 1:47
Mixing the joint compound and glue 2:51
How to sculpt the mane with other materials and a different look 2:57
Make a support for the wet mane 5:20
Arranging the crochet thread over the support 6:28
Conclusion 8:39

When your horse is finished, I do hope you'll show it off on the Daily Sculptors page on my site. We'd all love to see how it turns out.

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