Fox Mask Pattern for Paper Mache [Make a Fox Mask]

3 years ago

I just finished the instructions to go with my new Fox Mask pattern. I'm really happy with this one, because the pattern goes together really fast, and it's easy to paint.

The pattern comes with pieces for the cap that turns it into a helmet mask, or use the pattern pieces that create a flat back so you can put him on your wall. There are over 50 photos that go with the instructions, including directions for adding Styrofoam balls for eyes if you're making a wall sculpture.

You can find the pattern at

My video with 5 tips for paper strips and paste:

My video for making paper mache even smoother without sanding:

Jessie Rasche's video about using the grainer brush to paint fur:

Recipes for paper mache paste and paper mache clay:

My book, Make Animal Sculptures with Paper Mache Clay: (affiliate link)

0:00 - Introduction
1:53 - Cut out the fox mask pieces and get ready for taping
2:56 - Taping the pieces together
6:57 - How to add the fox's ears
9:15 - How to add the back for a helmet-style fox mask
12:50 - Adding the ear fur and foil details
14:36 - Adding a layer of paper mache to the fox mask
16:46 - Painting the fox with four colors of acrylic paint.

After you make your fox mask I'd love to see how it comes out. So would my readers, so please come to the Daily Sculptors Page on my site and show it off:

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