More images from the Istanbul pride happening even if police tried to ban it

1 year ago

More images from the Istanbul pride happening even if police tried to ban it.
We can see here that there is no degeneracy. Turkey does not allow sex change operations. None of that binary he she BS from USA and Canada.
We conclude that the BS we see in USA and Canada is caused by the overall BS from the society.
There can be Pride without propaganda, just as its not allowed for example in many states to do political propaganda off season, near schools, churches...
USA and Canada pride are degenerates because the whole society is filled with perverts, degenerates, confused people, spoiled brats, crackheads, agresive black people behaving like a nigger, killers, rapists, lots of sexual offendors, very rude people, people that have no control of their lives, brainwashed people, racists of all sorts, extremists both right and left, showoffs and people that brag with what they got...
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