Where Ancient Religions Meet Corporate Greed With Luke Stone & Nicky P

1 year ago

Getting deeper into the specifics of the plot of Hybrids, Luke's superhero comic, he explains the origins of its creation. Based on the idea of the Nephilim, Luke weaves a tale of part-divine part-human creatures, inspired by the demi-gods of Greek myths being kidnapped by a nefarious corporation to harvest their unique adrenochrome to create a dangerous street drug.

More than a comic, however, the world of Hybrids includes a tabletop roll playing game using a new mechanic system called Base+2 created by Luke's partner Nick Tockert. The game originated from trading cards of the characters Luke had created. Nick easily turned these into a game utilizing a mechanic he pulled straight from the cards.

Find full podcast episode @ https://ironagemarketing.com

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