Hoping desperately that the self-projection will one day become reality

1 year ago

Young people are forced by their own online projection to expose themselves even more extravagantly and to convince themselves and others that they are smart, beautiful, valuable, different, deepening increasingly the escape from reality.
For Marxists, this means oppression. It means that you are not allowed to express yourself in all your splendour. Friendship, authentic human love based on mutual knowledge, would be oppressive, because it tends to unite hearts. While the purpose of ideology is to affirm diversity, worsening differentiation. So only short-term superficial relationships that do not produce obligations and duties can be cultivated. This explains why young people don't get married, they don't want to have families, they don't want to enter into social contracts, they don't want to have children, because they feel that this would limit their freedom of expression, they would lose something of themselves. These relationships should only be used to highlight once again the oppressive nature of the partner. You can have a boyfriend or girlfriend whom you can accuse of not letting you be who you are. If Christians try to ignore other peoples mistakes, because their fight is with themselves and not with the system, the neo-Marxists seek to highlight the partner's mistakes in order to consolidate their status as victims and their right to power.

Fr. Valentin Danciu
Fragment from Neobabel Series VI
14 May 2023

Translation: Camelia Macovei

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