1 year ago

Lots of talk about how to make the show better. / Someone said I was anxious singing karaoke. NOT. / Hang for a year! / I slay the notion that DESIRE cannot be negotiated. It can be DRUGGED though. / Bloody number 2. / Discussion in the Kava bar about making it a better place. I thought of something but didn’t speak up. / Frank Caliendo does incredible impressions of the Seinfeld cast. / Heather Locklear makes my heart skip a beat as Sam in Dynasty. / Jordan Peterson’s conversation didn’t make much sense to me today. / Joe Rogan and Theo Von barely got a word in over my own talking.

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RISE! - https://youtu.be/6jNNeTSK-60

0:00 - Intro

29:05 - The New RISE!

31:18 - Frank Caliendo does Seinfeld!

33:50 - Heather Locklear was a babe

37:40 - Jordan Peterson

49:27 - Joe Rogan and Theo Von

58:12 - Wrap Up

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