Deadly Deception - Proof That Sex and HIV Absolutely DO NOT CAUSE AIDS Dr Robert Willner

1 year ago

Fauci did it again!

On December 7th 1994 at Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel, Greensboro, N.C; Dr Willner drew blood from a man with AIDS and injected himself with the mans blood.

Most of what he is saying can be directly applied to what we experience today. Especially with the news cycles, blanket censorship, and Terrain Theory.

Only 4 Causes of AIDS 9:15
1. Malnutrition and Starvation
2. DRUGS - Street and Prescription
3. Radiation
4. Chemotherapy

7:00 Fauci deserves to be tried for treason
31:00 viruses are created in the cell and need the cells to survive, viruses do not kill cells
51:22 You cannot get AIDS from anyone, and you cannot give AIDS to anyone
52:55 Modern Medical Voodoo
59:40 The truth about T-cells
71:00 Viruses don't make you sick, they are only a response to the terrain!

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