X22 REPORT Ep. 3102b-Iran Nuclear Deal, Haiti, No Civil War, Clean & Swift, Sting of the Century

1 year ago

X22 REPORT Political/GeoPolitical News Ep. 3102b - June 26, 2023

Iran Nuclear Deal, Haiti, No War, No Civil War, Clean & Swift, Sting Of The Century

The [DS] is panicking, the patriots are in control. Trump is now calling attention to the Iran nuclear deal, Haiti, he is pointing the finger at the Clintons. The border problem will be taken care of they same way Eisenhower took care of it. This is the biggest sting operation the world has ever seen. He has the [DS] where he wants them and the people are waking up, the final battle is approaching and War will wake the rest up.

All source links to the report can be found on the www.x22report.com site.

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