8 Natural Underlying Factors for Autoimmune Disease & Chronic Illness | Dr. Bryan Ardis Part 1 Ep 95

1 year ago

In Part 1 with Dr. Bryan Ardis, he shares the eight underlying root factors causing autoimmune diseases and natural ways to remedy them on Faithful Freedom with Teryn Gregson, presented by We The Patriots USA. From diet, to heavy metals, cesarean section scars or tearing during birth, all are a part of the underlying factors that can be pin-pointed to remedy and relieve hypothyroidism patients, brain fog, ability to maintain a healthy weight and more. Dr. Ardis also talks about adjustments to relieve and cure asthma attacks, his “emotion code” used to identify suppressed trauma that also leads to health problems and natural identifiers for heartburn and acid reflux. Including God’s divine design of the earth’s minerals and how humans are to benefit from them but are largely deficient in them.
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