Feminism and LGBTQ Target Catholics Church: ArchBishop Viganò Gives Powerful Message To Christians

1 year ago

Will the Catholic Church be able to survive the greatest threat of all: modern woke liberalism?
Managing editor of Catholic Family News, Matt Gaspers, joins Paul Harrell to talk about the LGBT infiltration of the Catholic Church.
The Synod of Sonodality is being used to reshape the hierarchy of the Catholic Church.
It’s being stacked with liberals who want women to be given unbiblical roles within the Church.
They also want more LGBT inclusivity and even want to make polygamous marriages more acceptable within the Church
However, Catholic Archbishop Carlo Vigano brought hope and had a powerful response to the Los Angeles Dodgers’ revolting celebration of the anti-Christian gay group The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence.
Archbishop Carlo Vigano said: “The great deception of Satan, dear brothers, consists in making souls believe that they can do without God, that they can build a world in which “human fraternity” replaces Christian Charity…But this utopian world…is in reality hell on earth, the dystopia that Satan wants to establish to prepare the kingdom of the Antichrist. "
"A hell in which mothers kill their children in their wombs or sell them to couples who cannot have them. A hell that castrates and horrendously mutilates children in the illusion of making them look like what they can never become, while decreeing death for millions of creatures in the womb. "
"A hell that kills the elderly, the sick, and the poor because their life does not deserve to be lived, and at the same time tolerates or even encourages the horrors of pedophilia, organ predation, the trafficking of minors, and the exploitation of the poor and migrants.”
For more information on Matt Gaspers work visit https://catholicfamilynews.com/

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