Creep Sam Seder says Republicans have nothing on Hunter Biden

1 year ago

The divorcee Stan Seder #samseder #majorityreport says Republicans have nothing on Hunter Biden. Uh, no.

The divorcees logic is infantile at worst, adolescent at best

Even if you find someone on “the other side” that agrees w/ you, does not mean you are correct. FDR believed education was a state task, not a federal task, will the bi-polar divorcee suddenly pine for the end of the Federal Dept. of Education. No, he will not.

The Federal Dept. of Education is unconstitutional, whether or not dictator wannabee FDR concurs or not.

James Patrick Holding made a salient point while debunking Bill Maher’s “Religulous” crockumentary. Just because you quiz a person on a certain topic & they cannot answer doesn’t mean “you win”, especially if it’s an ambush interview, which is popular among folks who do not know much.

So, even if a Republican believes there is no evidence against Hunter Biden, does not mean it is true. Bad logic Stan Seder, bad logic.

When the divorcee uploaded a video supposedly proving (from Republicans themselves) that there is no smoking gun on Hunter Biden, I pointed out to the old man that Hunter lied on a gun application to a federal agency. This has been admitted to by the crackhead Hunter Biden & it has been known for some time, it is not a new allegation by any means.

This lie, that he committed knowingly on this gun application to a federal agency is a serious offense. If the divorcee does not know it is a serious offence I would not be surprised as he is ignorant on guns in general & the function of them. He doesn’t know a “magazine clip thingy”, from a barrel shroud, from his head, from his butt.

The only knowledge he would have would be talking points spoonfed to him by the autistics in his studio.

Sam Seder jumped the sharked on this one & I am not sure if he’s really this stupid or trying to be sly & convince others it is true by becoming an online social media vegetable that has a lot of free time to yell over all detractors.

My Democrat Insurrection #insurrection playlist documenting the Democrat Party’s goal to let as many lunatics as possible loose on society so they can *attempt* to intimidating America into bowing to their Marxist ideology or they’ll riot. If they riot in Iowa, well, let’s just say I would advise against that. (wink wink)

The most violent counties in America have beaucoup black on black murder & they tend to vote Democrat, change my mind on this or debate me & get ripped up from the floor up.

The Simon Conway Show

Iowa Firearms Coalition

Sam Seder is afraid to debate James Patrick Holding on The Impossible Faith Methinks the divorcee has little faith in that religion degree from a diploma mill

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