1 year ago

To all I am proud to introduce my daughter Michelle , and brand new recording artist !!!

To those that think that know me , don't know me !!!

This world has no control over me , or those around me ...

I've told you many times , I'm not of your world. Nor the things that I create are from your world as well ....

I was sent , to present the Truth , and I have done that !

Now I will help mankind , teach mankind , and show mankind how to defend themselves , from the Demonic forces and evils that surround them each and everyday !!!

Little by little , I will unmask the lies , and reveal the Truth hidden behind them !!!

The TRUE definition for mental illness is "Demon Possession" if they told you the Truth , then you would have known how to destroy them ....

And you wouldn't be wasting your money on psychiatrists , doctors , shrinks , and medications that cost you tens of thousands of dollars per year ....

Demon possession , or oppression , is the number one money maker in revenue for the pharmaceutical companies ....

And all your money is thrown away for false promises of Hope , because these medications are not designed to cure you !!!

Evil only has one goal , to destroy mankind , and turn each of you against each other !!!

They have succeeded because that's exactly what is happening ....

You are killing each other by the growing numbers as each day passes by ....

You are showing no mercy upon each other , or any type of remorse whatsoever ...

Mankind can no longer govern itself , and now Jesus and I must resume our roles as promised...

I am Michael , a real life Demon Hunter ! I was sent to liberate mankind from the evils that are hidden in the 4D realm ....

Soon the veil shall fall , the veil that was described in the New testament .

That veil is the 3D matrix that surrounds you it's a hologram ....

Designed to fool you to believe that you live in a perfect world which you don't .

Soon the veil 3D matrix will come down ...

It will expose the hidden evil from you since you were born ...

You will see and feel things you've never imagined in total terror and unbelief ...

I am here to show you how to defend yourself, when this day happens ....

I will give you the "Fighting Chance" to withstand all the evil armies that have taken over this realm ...

But that information doesn't come Cheap !!!! Nor Free !!!

So let's get that out in the open from "Jump Street !!!

So no misunderstandings , or any misguided B@llsh@t of any sort !!!

I gane nothing from doing this !!! As for you knowing the Truth , will set you free !!! And I hold that Truth!!!

And most importantly , I hold the key that opens the door to the next realm salvation from this hell hole .....

Remember , I told you I was not from your world !!!

And they hated me with vengeance !!! Before they hated you , displaying their vengeance !!!

You were given the PROMISE OF FREEDOM!!!

Not just by your country , a declaration was made by a man named Jesus , that declaration came from the heavens above !!!

That declaration , guaranteed mankind's right !!! To choose , their life , and spiritual decisions ...

I am here , accompanied by my spiritual army the 144 , to serve a spiritual Divine warrant , on all evil entities , including but not limited to : all class type demons , all class type reptilians , and two former angel commanders Azazel and Samjiza and they're falling 200 angels . Last but not least The God who created this world , who goes by many names , an aliases . For example : Elohim , Yahweh , Jehovah , Yah , Mohamed , Baal , Molech , Satan , Santa , Lucifer , The Red Dragon , The Prince of darkness , devil , saytier , Morning Star , and the list goes on and on ....

But it's true name is : Yaltaboath Salkis Samuel/ The God & Creator of this world and it's , surrounding 4D realm .....

The God of this world is guilty of all the atrocities committed against mankind ....

He is all so guilty of the many worlds he's destroyed over and over again , along with all it's inhabitants ....

He is guilty of destroying other planets ,with other civilizations within this jurisdiction ...

A Divine search warrant has been signed and sealed by the 24 elders of the Divine Council of light !!!

In my current human form , it is impossible for me to fulfill my destiny , and I must return to my spiritual form ...

I'm patiently waiting for that day to happen , but as long as I'm here ...

I will show you and give you a Fighting Chance , against all the odds against you of pure demonic evils.....


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