Interview with cloistered nuns. CARMELITE SISTERS with Padre Luis Toro

1 year ago

Interview with cloistered nuns. CARMELITE SISTERS with Padre Luis Toro

Discalced Carmelites are nuns whose lives are consecrated to God by solemn vows. The order was founded in 1560 by a group of nuns gathered around Saint Teresa of Jesus, a charismatic figure of a woman and a religious, who wanted to give new life to the Carmelite order by restoring the old rules and reforming life options. In part it took its inspiration from the reform carried out by Pedro de Alcántara in the Franciscan order. The Discalced Carmelites are cloistered nuns and dedicate themselves mainly to contemplative prayer. The spirituality of the order is strongly indebted to the figure of Mary, to whom it addresses itself as an example of life in communion and devotion.

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