The Alarming Origins of Agenda 21/2030

1 year ago

Sandi Adams at GA Meeting #92: "If you research into the Earth Summit of 1992, which is where it all was birthed, it was this enormous summit where they got 179 countries to sign up to Agenda 21 in 1992. Long time ago.

Prince Charles was there. Big Oil billionaires were there. Maurice Strong, he was the Secretary General of the United Nations at the time. He was an oil billionaire. He'd worked for the Rockefellers for a long time. And you had Al Gore, you had Obama, you had Prince Charles, you had all the—George Soros—all the globalists were there.

And this plan was hatched to get all the countries to sign up to Agenda 21 under the banner of anthropogenic global warming. And this is how they've rolled it out since then. And we, the human beings, were made to be the demons in all this. Which is why, at the moment, we're really under the cosh, to be honest, because the whole thing has been engineered so that it looks as though we have created this climate crisis. And it couldn't be further from the truth. It's the big corporations."

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