truth of life~ Mary

1 year ago

These organized crime operations which involve the criminal incorporated STATE OF _ _ _ _ _ _ _,( fill in the name of your state here).

Our original jurisdiction states(several states) are not incorporated and do not use credit, Federal Reserve Notes, Stocks, BOND$, Dividends, nor does it "insure" it's operations via Indemnification Policies which operate through a RISK Management System which is insured through it's errors and omissions via "Lloyds of London"!
These Monopolies and RICO Ponzi schemes, are committing War Crimes against Our babies and American People, on American soil -
so think about that this 4th of July!

According to their own code, they are prevented from attempting to compell the use of a social security number-
It's a felony under 41 USC 408 ( a ) 8
Title 5 552 (a )
Privacy Act 1974 section 7
and on and on!!!
These magicians/magistrates do not possess the power that they threaten

Todd Lang, man treasonously acting and impersonating a Judge did commit ("misprision of felony") for threatening anyone with arrest, a judge is impartial and not supposed to prosecute from the bench or make threats, [misprison of felony via 18 USC 1001 & 1002] these people are producing "simulated legal processes" in Our Courthouses and are organized crime who are armed and dangerous and that's why we file a 3949 A
on these criminals and turn them into the IRS criminal investigation fraud department, for numerous reasons, mainly to document the non/involvement of the IRS, if no action is taken to go after these criminals impersonating judges like in the case of :

c/f : Bracey v. Gramley, case No. : 96-6133 ( June 9th 1997)

"Judge Maloney was released from federal prison and died that same year. A total of 92 peoplewere indicted, including 17 judges, 48 attorneys, 10 deputy sheriffs, 8 policemen, 8 court officials, and state legislator James DeLeo[1] Out of 17 judges indicted in the trials, 15 were convicted,{4]One judge, Richard LeFevour, was convicted on 59 counts of mail fraud, racketeering, and income-tax violations, getting 12 years in prison. Cook County Illinois Circuit Court was declared a criminal enterprise"

These are not Judges, there have not been Judges in America since 1789.
"There are no judicial courts in America and there has not been since 1789. Judges do not enforce Statutes and Codes. Executive Ad"ministr"ators enforce statutes and codes. There have not been any Judges in America since 1789. There have just been Administrators." (FRC v. GE 281 US 464, Keller v. PE 261 US 428 1 stat. 138-178)

Only Judges make Orders!

Administrator are "clerks of court" for superior reviewing purposes, only, and cannot and do not have the Power to write Orders;
every single civil law order is evidence of fraud and treason and securities fraud !
capisce' ?
To impersonate a Judge is : "Treason"

These white collar criminals operate in securities fraud by way of criminal conversion of your name, as I stated in the video, "according to their own rules copy rite the second of creation : 1976 Copyrite Act.
The point being
That old MAXIM of LAW
He who creates controls

Only in this case it's ~. "She who creates controls!"

The Dine' Nations are Sovereign People and matriarchal in nature.
As mother for my family I am the record keeper for my family and
I am the Counsel of the Woman/Mothers
all life and the next several generations lays on my shoulders as
mother and keeper of Our ways of life to guide and teach
Our ways, Our traditions, and Our cultures.

No Ex PARTE paperwork and or magic spell by these blacked robed Baal Priests to steal my babies will ever Trump my agreement with Creator or the Souls I promised to protect and guide via soul contract, perfected when free born!

I hate it for the wo/man who dare come between my babies and I !!!
Or the wo/man that man-steals my daughters and takes and carries them away and or acts under color of law !!!

We Mothers are the life givers here on this Earth, we are the water women;

As above so below

Creator/ Mother Nature and all Her natural splendor is the life bringer from the spirit real and that is why mothers teach spirituality to Our babies.

To rip a baby from it's mama is to trespass upon Natural law ~ the highest form of law.

It will not be tolerated!


PS: "Mama loves both of you girls very very much & you too Orion***!!! <3 <3 <3

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