John Barleycorn Must Die by Traffic ~ A Parable for What the Canaanites did to Jesus Christ

1 year ago

John Barleycorn Must Die was a Modern interpretation by Traffic, of the ancient Anglo-Saxon Folklore tune, John Barleycorn, in which Drummer and Lyricist, Jim Capaldi, created their version of this song into a Powerful Parable about Jesus Christ, and the Sovereignty of Mankind...

In the Song, at the beginning, we are introduced to the Three Men who came out of the West (an allegory for Death) and who created such Violence and Greed throughout the rest of the Song at the expense of the Average Man's Crop, Barleycorn, Personified as John Barleycorn...and while John Barleycorn certainly is used to reference the Masses, it is also a Personification of the Life, Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ...and in doing so, Steve Winwood, Jim Capaldi and Chris Wood used the 3 Men who came out of the Deathly West to portray the Canaanites, those who are the 'Wicked Cabal' that have ruled over us, in Lies, Sex and Violence, since the Murder of Abel, by his brother Cain...

As you listen to the Song, it will become evident that all of the Hands of Man that are hired to Reap and then Torture the Harvested Barleycorn Plant, just to reveal its SEED, are all Allegories for the Horrors inflicted upon not only, Christ our Lord, but to Mankind as well, as we have been TORTURED by these Demons for far too long...but notice how there is such Great Hope within this Song as well, as for no matter how Violent or Cruel the Canaanites were to Christ, or to us, WE, from the Spirit of Abel, thru Abraham, all the Way to Jesus Christ, cannot be stopped by Evil, only delayed, and in the end of this Song, or Journey, Little John Barleycorn, Ever Humble, Ever Useful in a wide variety of Ways, Proved the MIGHTIER than the Canaanites, or Masters of Death, as John Barleycorn represents the Spirit of both Life and the LIVING, which is us, Mankind...

And in the End, we will Win out, as God always Wins, and Evil will always Fail, when we hold TRUE to whom we are, and allow our Eternal Spirit to Fight On for all time...

And this is why, to the Three Men out of the West, or Death, that John Barleycorn Must Die, because they cannot Live with their Hatred and Envy for the LIFE and JOY that resides Deep Within Each One of us...

So, let us Raise our Cups to Christ, and to His Spirit that Resides Powerfully INSIDE of each of us, the Chrism Oil, or Christ Consciousness, that will always come to Raise the Phoenix back Home to Heaven, once more...

Enjoy this Epic Journey of the One Story, played out to the Musical Genius of Steve Winwood, Jim Capaldi, and Chris Wood, the One, the Only...TRAFFIC

Love, CF

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