Randall Terry: Chronicling the Past To Prepare for Modern Battles

1 year ago

Randall Terry, activist and pro-life advocate, founded the anti-abortion group Operation Rescue in 1987 and led it until 1994. Now as owner of DragonSlayer Studio, he dedicates part of his activism to influencing a broader audience through documentary production. Among those already produced are “Muhammad In His Own Words,” “What Would Muhammad Do?” and
“Insurrecta Nex: The History, Philosophy and Theology of Social Revolution in America.”
His largest endeavor to date is underway. It’s called “Dragonslayers: The Story of Operation Rescue, the Largest Civil Disobedience Movement in American History.” He sat down with The New American senior editor Rebecca Terrell at his studio to discuss his fascinating history and future plans.

Visit https://www.randallterry.com

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