1 year ago

An Christian adventure film with daring masked hero during the American Revolution.William Reynolds is an assassin for the British East India Company, who attempts to "retire". His boss Charles Kemp tries to have him killed because he knows too much. He flees, taking the name and job of a vicar who died saving Will's life.
Will attempts to settle into the quiet life of a vicar (with a surprising degree of success and falls in love with Charlotte Holloway. An old associate happens upon the quiet town and confronts Will, who kills the man and buries him under the cover of darkness. Later, he asks Charlotte to marry him, and she agrees, provided he meets with her uncle's approval.
At Christmas, Charlotte's uncle arrives and is revealed to be Charles Kemp, who discloses William's true identity to Charlotte and tries (again) to kill him. Will flees once more, and, yet again, his rescuer dies saving Will's life. Again, using the identity of his rescuer "Jeremiah Flack," William travels to the colony of Pennsylvania and finds a job in Benjamin Franklin's printing shop after passing Franklin's 'test of faith' and revealing that his sympathies lay with the revolutionary cause.
Will later discovers that Charlotte and her uncle have arrived in America as well, with Kemp supporting the loyalists on behalf of the East India Company. Upon discovering Kemp's plans, Will sets out to redeem his name before reuniting with Charlotte. Working as a printer only by day, he also becomes a masked vigilante by night, thwarting the evil plans of the East India Company, and is dubbed "The Highwayman" by the revolutionaries. Will later attends a masked ball in New York with the intention of revealing some documents he stole earlier that outline the role of the East India Company, specifically Charles Kemp. He saves the life of George Washington, but is framed and arrested by Kemp as a murderer and loses the document. He is sentenced to be hanged at dawn. While in the hole he realizes that someone else took what he deserves, and he accepts the Lord into his heart truly.
Realizing her feelings for William as well as her uncle's evilness, Charlotte steals her uncle's next set of plans and breaks Will out of the prison ship. They flee to Philadelphia where she is captured by her uncle's men. Kemp reveals to her that he has planted barrels of gunpowder under various important buildings in the city, notably Independence Hall where the Continental Congress is debating the Declaration of Independence, with the explosives set to go off at noon, just when the Declaration of Independence is about to be approved. Will discovers the gunpowder and traces the trigger back through the new sewer system to Windmill Island, where Kemp and his men have set up a generator and are also holding Charlotte. After revealing the plot to Franklin, Will swims to the island, defeats Kemp's men, fights and kills Kemp, rescues Charlotte, and blows up the laboratory, preventing disaster. The Declaration of Independence is passed without incident, much to Franklin's relief.
The two swim back to shore where Franklin and some soldiers are waiting for them with a prison carriage. The surviving loyalists are arrested, while Charlotte insists on accompanying Will. Out of their earshot, Franklin says that the extradition policy between Pennsylvania and New York is vague. Charlotte and Will discover a note saying that the carriage is not taking Will to prison. Will gives Charlotte the ring he has been carrying since he first asked her to marry him back in England, she accepts, and the two kiss.

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