Bible Code Presentations: 2030, and The Menorah

1 year ago

Originally recorded live on Youtube on June 24, 2023

Scripture Code (Bible Code) "2030" by code searcher Janette:: Inspired after watching 'Messiah 2030', I looked into the Codes - and what I found is thrilling! We cannot date set. But we ARE to watch, to study, and to search. The ELS skip number of this Code table is 888. Eight being the number of Completion, Consecration, Dedication, Purification and New Beginnings. So .... 888 must compound this?

It was a joy to work on this table and a privilege to bring it to you!

May YaHuWaH and YaHuWShuW'A continue to reveal and open the encoded messages for this generation!

Ezekiel 33:6.
Matthew 24:32
Proverbs 25:2

Scripture Code (Bible Code) "Menorah" by code searcher Terri: I believe the day will come when we will be given Light to absolutely set a day. He will keep our hopes ⬆️ up-he’s not going to let us get so discouraged in the mire of this wickedness. I believe we will be shown that day. It just isn’t time yet- I believe it’s in Scripture- it’s just not exactly the time for the “ hour of His return” to be known. He will reveal it to us who are so longing and looking for Him. I really believe He will keep us looking up in total expectation. We will know.

It would be too hard for us as His children to not have our expectations reinforced- closer and closer and more and more scripture open up to us who are looking. I shared that this 2030 video has rekindled a fire in me. He breathed on my little flicker flame 🔥 and made it blaze again in expectation. He will keep doing this for us I just know He will until finally, we are at the gates of home.

That video kinda woke me up- shook me- back into really, really knowing He’s coming back. I’d lost my “ flavor”. We can endure ANYTHING if our expectations are ENLARGED in these times. Yes, I needed this confirmation. It’s gonna keep coming- these revelations! These love notes and hugs are going to come faster and bigger. He will not leave us with a lack of light. The darker it gets we get brighter and bolder- I’m waiting on the Boldness. It’s a scary place now. It takes guts and a level of belief to answer these demons. Publicly put me out there- statements- calling wickedness out - with my name signed to it. Takes guts I don’t yet have. He will pour out what we need when it’s needed. It’s all so jaw-dropping- I’m still shocked at all the blatant, in-your-face wickedness. He promised us Power.

The 2030 Video mentioned by these two sisters can be found here:

I don't subscribe to that date. I found mistakes in dating in the video and I was led to search for two questions: 1) did the Messiah announce the Jubilee when He read from the Isaiah Scroll? 2) If He did, then in what year did He read from it? My research brought me to the conclusion that He did announce the Jubilee year ("YoWBeL," in Hebrew), that they had lost recognition of the correct year, and that His ministry began on this year at this time with His announcement of the Jubilee year (the Jubilee actually beginning six months later at the new year in 29 c.e., YoWM HaKiPuWRiYM/feast(fast) of atonement in 28 c.e., and that He died in 31 c.e. That puts 2028 as a Jubilee announcement and the beginning of Jubilee being the spring of 2029, at the new year on the Hebrew calendar, for me. But, I will be so excited for His return as soon as He comes! I will post my research here for the studious that want to search out the matter.

There are many other well-meaning students of the Word who have searched these things out and have come up with dates from 2024 through 2033 and beyond.

As Terri said, above, He will bring clarity and understanding to us, for those who are seeking for Him.

This 1844 “Great Disappointment" is a 2 hour movie that Terri shared with us in our Codesearching fellowship.

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Restore All Truth: Isaiah 42:22, Jeremiah 16:19-21, Acts 3:19-21

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