World of Tanks Cromwell - 8 Kills 5,3K Damage (Karelia)

1 year ago

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World of Tanks Cromwell - 8 Kills 5,3K Damage (Karelia)

Medals received: Pascucci's Medal, Radley-Walters' Medal, High Caliber, Top Gun

The Cromwell is a British tier 6 medium tank.

The Cromwell was developed in 1941–1942 by BRC&W. A total of 1,070 vehicles were mass-produced from late 1943 through 1945. They were extensively used by the British Army in the Northwest Europe Campaign of 1944–1945.

The Cromwell, or "Crommie", is a generally well-liked medium tank with impressive maneuverability that no other tier 6 medium tank can offer, but at the cost of rather weak armor. Its Vickers HV gun is comparable to the German 75mm L/70, making it suited for high speed flanking maneuvers and also long and medium range fire support. Beware the unusually poor dispersion values, try to get in close for flanking. Its impressive power to weight ratio and maneuverability can allow it to actively scout as well as zig-zagging to easily avoid enemy fire, though the radio leaves something to be desired.

The Cromwell leads to the Comet.

Outro song: OST World of Tanks – Intro Login 2018


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