Marie Alvarado-Gil Represents an Uncommonly Sensible Common-Sense Consensus

1 year ago

A Servant with Integrity

“It’s time to bring left and right front and center to face the music and dance together.”
-- Swami Beyondananda

Our Front and Center podcast is dedicated to inspiring our community to get off the political battlefield and onto the cooperative playing field, to seeking the whole truth together, and finding a “commonly-sensed common sense consensus” that represents the virtues and values we share in common above and beyond our political differences.

Yes, yes. I know. We are proposing a sane world. We must be crazy.

Well, there is good news. There’s a “sane asylum” being built here in California, and more and more awakening voters are committing themselves to it. Even as people are pulled toward toxically divisive political narratives by the two major parties, exacerbated by both legacy and social media, there is an awakening awareness that NEITHER of the two parties have our common well being at heart. While the two parties divide us through cultural issues, the commonwealth is being stolen by the uncommonly wealthy. Consider that while the two sides were “mask-debating” during the COVID crisis, the billionaire class increased their wealth by nearly two thirds.

Fortunately, there is an “upwising” afoot, as nearly 25% of registered voters here in California have chosen “no party preference.” Into this fertile field, a new political force is emerging, the Common Sense Party Unlike other “third party” movements, this one is non-ideological, but rather represents the one ingredient that seems to be missing from government by the people – the PEOPLE.

And while the Common Sense Party is not yet an “official” party, it is already having influence by supporting candidates who have declared their “independence” from intractable party narratives. One such candidate is Democrat Marie Alvarado-Gil (, who is running against a mainstream Democrat in the largest Senate District in California, Senate District Four, that includes thirteen counties. Since the district has trended Republican, as a common sense Democrat – committed to working to solve problems across the divide – she has a good shot against the front-runner, a Democrat committed to the entire party line.

When you watch this interview, you will find Marie has a background in health and education, and is a strong supporter of charter schools – because these schools REQUIRE parental involvement. She has been a loyal Democrat her entire career …until she recognized that entrenched political posturing has prevented California from addressing its problems. Water, for example. All sorts of solutions have been studied and proposed, including desalination plants. The inability of the sides to partner around the common good has so far kept this from happening, even as California goes deeper into drought conditions.

Marie says she is representing, “People just like me, who don't subscribe to one ideology or the other, who don't completely agree with the far left or the far right. People who haven't had their voices heard in Sacramento.”

In place of what she calls “weaponized narratives”, Marie brings “a mindset of critical thinking, curiosity, and just openness to understand.” Remember that quaint term “public service” – the idea that our representatives need to do the people’s bidding, and not the bidding of the highest bidder? That – not fame, fortune and power as a “career politician” – is what motivated her to run.

“As the state senator, in my district,” she says, “I would be working with six different assembly members. Can you imagine if we had seven minds that we're working together for the betterment of the people in our district, what we could accomplish in both houses?”

Imagine, indeed!

In the midst of dueling dualities, there IS a third, and new way.

Watch this interview, support Marie’s candidacy any way you can, and if you’re a California voter, register as Common Sense Party and bring new perspectives into a cooperative playing field.

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