🍁 True North's Andrew Lawton at CCFR AGM 2023

1 year ago

Canadian broadcaster, columnist, and host of True North's 'The Andrew Lawton Show,' Mr. Andrew Lawton, spoke at the CCFR AGM 2023 in Ottawa, on June 10th, 2023. Listen to what he had to say.

- Chapters -
(00:00) Intro
(00:24) Planes, Bans & Wildfires
(01:41) Media landscape, Bias & Responsibility
(05:09) Journalists that just 'don't know'
(07:12) Journalists that are 'blissfully ignorant'
(07:46) 'Assaulted' documentary
(08:49) Changing minds vs. policy
(10:27) The Critical Juncture
(11:18) Uphill battles & Meeting people where they are
(12:22) David Miller vs. Union Station gun club
(13:09) The most saleable points
(15:07) Gun word association
(16:34) News that sells, Portapique & Govt strategy
(18:08) The Politics of importing U.S. stories
(19:36) The Strategy - Make people think
(21:53) Rights, Freedoms & working with the CCFR
(23:21) The Singers & Govt destroying the Canadian dream
(24:56) Guns are not 'just guns' & The Integrity March
(26:55) Outro

Subscribe to True North for more content from Mr. Lawton:

Story about Union Station gun club:

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#canada #politics #AGM2023 #lawton #andrew #truenorth #tnc #CCFR

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