God answers why there is suffering in the world| God has advice for us

1 year ago

Why does suffering exist in the world? A conversation with God
Have you ever wondered why there is so much pain and suffering in the world? Have you ever wanted to ask God why He allows it? Have you ever wished to hear His answer?
In this video, I share with you a dialogue I had with God about the reason for suffering and the way to happiness. I asked Him some of the most profound questions that humans have ever asked, and He answered me with love, wisdom, and clarity.
You will learn:
• How suffering is created by our free will and our false beliefs
• How we can remember our true nature and our divine origin
• How we can create anything we want with our choice and intention
• How we can be God and be the light of the world
This video is based on the books “Conversations with God” by Neale Donald Walsch, where he reveals his dialogue with God about different aspects of life.
If you want to discover the truth about suffering and happiness, watch this video until the end. You will be amazed by what God has to say to you.
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Thank you for watching and God bless you!

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