X-Factor Winner Altiyan Childs Reveals World's Freemasonry Secret Religion! [Oct 4, 2021]

1 year ago

Note: This is my Rumble channel # 2.
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Best Modern Exposure and Decode Of Freemasonry - Time To Wake Up People!

2010 Australian X Factor Winner reveals the ancient religion that is hidden inside freemasonry.

It is the Devils world. He explains it in ways you have never heard of before.


- The single eye.
- The secret handshake.
- Oath under penalty of death.
- The hidden hand.
- It goes back eons.
- They call us the "vulgar and the profane".
- This is the plan they are following.
- Does the phrase "follow the plan" ring a bell.
- Here is the plan and it is not what you think it might be.

X factor winner Altiyan Childs Part 1 THE WORLDS SECRET RELIGION REVEALED

X factor winner Altiyan Childs Part 2 THE WORLDS SECRET RELIGION REVEALED

X factor winner Altiyan Childs part 2

X factor winner Altiyan Childs Part 3

Research - Showing 10 of 250 matches: https://www.bitchute.com/search/?query=altiyan%20childs%20&kind=video

Original Video Banned and Deleted: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bZ4NTdSK5ac

Source: https://t.me/Only_The_Facts_Man/52172

Robert Clancy
283K subscribers
825,843 views Oct 4, 2021

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